Monday, November 21, 2011

Today I attempted to use websites similar to photobooth. The one I mainly used demonstrated above using my friend Van is called photofunia. This website is good because it can put pictures of faces into pre determined situations. Here I have put Van int several scenarios such as: Twilight, Santa Clause, and as a DJ. This site generally works pretty well but is limited to only the scenarios given, thus should not be compared to photobooth, but is good for users simply looking to have a good time for free.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Visual Puns

This week my objective was to create four visual puns lol. The puns I created were spider-monkey, Bon-fire, Snapping Turtle, and granny smith apple. For Granny smith I used an overlay to change the opacity on the granny face. On the snapping turtle I used a posterize on the background. On my Bon fire with Jon Bon Jovi I used a gradient map on the fire to give it a somewhat purple color. I like my work and would not change anything about it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The objective of this project is to create 4 square images using a grid with different filters applied to each one. My picture I started with was a set of water bottles. For one of these I darkened and made it a lot more blue (bottom left.) One of these I liquified and turned the picture into a swirl(Top left.) In the top right portrait I put a water color threshold and enhanced the brightness, and on the bottom right I put an emboss filter. I am proud of my work and would not change anything about it.

Friday, October 14, 2011


This project is under the guidelines that I had to cut out a part of a picture and fill it in with text, similar to my Paul Rabil picture. This is Robinson Cano and I have filled him with text describing the Yankees and Cano, and I like how it turned out very much and would not change a thing.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

This week the project I was assigned was to take any picture of my choosing, erase a section of it, and fill it in using a picture or text. As you can see I have taken a picture of MLL lacrosse player Paul Rabil on the Boston Cannons, and have erased Paul, and filled him in with a picture of water. This is definitely my favorite project so far, and I would not change anything.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This project is my 6th(?) project and the goal was to use a website called Wordle. What Wordle does is it takes words you type in the search bar and Wordle takes what you wrote and it randomizes it and turns it different  colors. I typed in the first few lines of the song "All Star" by smash mouth, and I think it turned out pretty good.
This project is my 6th(?) project and the goal was to use a website called Wordle. What Wordle does is it takes words you type in the search bar and Wordle takes what you wrote and it randomizes it and turns it different  colors. I typed in the first few lines of the song "All Star" by smash mouth, and I think it turned out pretty good.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

15 green things

This is my 5th project. The goal was to include 15 objects which were originally green and incorporate them all into one picture. I focused my picture around the arch which I painted a concrete color with the car on top, and Sam AKA the strange child under the bridge. I cut out many pieces to each object besides the background, max, and the fireworks poster. I like how this turned out and would not change a thing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Crazy Combo

This was my 4th project and the goal was to make a mix of many crazy things into one. As you can see, I have used a shark, an octopus, a halo chief leg, a fin of a leopuridon (Swimming dinosaur), a dolphin tail, a helicopter front, a weird monkey, and Bowser's shell, as well as added in a school of fish. I think this turned out pretty well and wouldn't have really changed anything except maybe the small blue spot in the school of fish. I can easily say my new favorite project is this.

Friday, September 9, 2011

For my third project, I have a picture of Mike and Sully in the movie Monsters Inc. For my goal, I am trying to select and delete a section of this picture, AKA Mike

Now Here is my finished work with Sully and no Mike. All I really did was use a lasso tool around Mike and delete it, and I am satisfied with this. The only thing I would really change would be a minor touch up on Sully's elbow.
This is my first digital imaging project, using the history brush. The picture original had a clear blue wave in the background and a dark skinned surfer on a colorful surfboard. I took all of the color out of the picture, then, using the history brush, I put color back into only the surfer.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This is my Second project, it is my album of music art which I customized to my liking. I approached this by using my favorite colors and tying my interests into it as well. I was inspired by some other music artists, as well as my favorite colors and such. I was trying to make this have more bright and popular colors to contrast itself, I am satisfied with how it turned out too, and would not change a thing.